Thursday, January 20, 2011

today i am 26!

26 SIX things I will do the year I am 26:

1) cry as I watch my twin sister to marry the man of her dreams
2) learn to do a headstand in yoga
3) travel out west to see how big the sky is
4) eat cherries in northern michigan in the summertime
5) spend more time snuggling with my puppydog
6) find a wedding dress

I tried to come up with a 26 things I wanted for my birthday but it made me feel greedy; then, I tried to come up with a bunch of things I hope to accomplish this year, but you know what?  I am stumped, so maybe I will do them in increments of six!

Oh, and for the six material things I want?  They are probably all from emersonmade.  Emerson, if you see this?  I could REALLY use your help to knock out #6. 

(credits: all photos from emersonmade's facebook page!)