Sunday, October 31, 2010

twinkle, twinkle

Emersonmade is killing me-- I want the whole line.  It's practical, classic, easy to wear, and made in the USA.  

Emerson herself seems like the kind of girl you just want to be friends with.

I am lusting after the tiny stars tunic.  Sadly, it is sold out in my size, and when I inquired about its availability, I hear it will now come in silk instead of the fall-weight cotton it originally came in.  I love silk-- it's elegant and has its place, but in my life, cotton is just easier to care for and easier to wear, so I am disappointed it won't come back in cotton.

In the meantime, I am loving those adorable poppies and the clutches for the fall and winter holidays!

(photos from Emersonmade)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Holly Golightly on Halloween

We've all considered doing the Breakfast at Tiffany's thing for Halloween once or twice, ladies, have we not?  It's a simple solution to a last-minute party invitation.  The only problem is that you'll run into at least one other girl with the same costume-- how dreadful!

Why not dress like Holly Golightly in costume?  The mask is easy enough to find, and all it requires is a sheath dress in another color and a little mask, and a cute Fred on your arm.

I've got another costume in mind, but because I'm planning on rocking it this weekend and to avoid that whole situation we are avoiding above, I will give you a hint so only the most clever of you foxes will figure it out. 

Here are your clues: the movie is not yet released, stars Natalie Portman, and the eyemakeup is the trickiest part. 

PS: how much do you want that orange coat?  I know I do....

(photo credit & idea via starfish & sundresses)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hi to my new friends at Portfolio Creative!

I met some new friends this morning at Portfolio Creative, a creative staffing agency I'm (honored to be) working with!  Just wanted to say hello and welcome them to my little blog!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New alternative to the played-out antler trend, for those of us who still love antlers

I love the antler trend in home design.  I know it's everywhere now and therefore probably uncool to blog about now, but there is something about antlers paired with feminine details that makes it rustic enough to balance a room.  Also, I grew up in Michigan, where hunting is a fun activity everywhere across the state except for my hometown of Ann Arbor.

I like this alternative to the antler trend--  one, I love lucite, and two, because living with a dead animal mounted on the wall just doesn't sit right with me, but I've always wanted a den with a 12-point.  I know.  It doesn't make sense.

I think it would look good with dark wallpaper-- like this Hygge & West fir wallpaper.  The dark tones make the lucite stand out, but is it too over-the-top with the forest theme? 

I think it has a sense of humor but I understand when you are spending $500 on a lucite deer head and over $100 a roll on the wallpaper, "humor" might not be the look you are trying to achieve.

(photo credit: A + R Store, also where you can buy me yourself this deer)