Monday, January 18, 2010


Lately I have been crazy for wedges. I hope the tweedies go on sale at Anthropologie soon. I have this 15% off birthday card and it came with a fun little candle necklace that almost became an afternoon puppy snack. Oh Anthropologie. I need to go watch Man Shops Globe.

(JCrew Cleo Platforms, Anthropologie Verdant Tweed Wedges)

Monday, January 11, 2010

When the Circus Comes to Town

This circus print is amazing-- I wish I could make a quilt out of it because there is no way I could pull off this dress as well as she did!

(photo: Nancy Neil Photography via OnceWed)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The One That Got Away

Do you want to know what I daydream about? This dress.

I saw it on Sunday-- love at first sight.

The only thing I didn't like was the $350 I'd have to spend to have it hanging in my closet-- I don't have that kind of money for a party dress right now. I would have to throw parties to have an excuse to wear it and then try really hard not to spill anything on myself.

SO. Being the dress detective (or professional time waster) that I am, I didn't give up until I tracked it down. Relentless pursuit, I think, is what they call that.

I finally tracked it down in the "SOLD" file. On Monday a woman with impeccable taste bought that dress, but I saved the pictures and I'm going to daydream about it for the rest of my life.

Oh and do you know what it was called? 1950's Vintage Metallic Polka-Dot Sparkling Gold-Lame Couture Heavily-Pleated Sculpted Strapless Shelf-Bust Rockabilly Princess Circle-Skirt Bombshell Ballerina-Cupcake Holiday Wedding Party Prom Cocktail Dress.

An absolutely ridiculous name, but you know what? I probably searched half those adjectives into the Etsy searching for it today.

(Seller is called Timeless Vixen Vintage-- lots of gems in that shop!)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

And I thought dog Snuggies were bad...

I know this is a slight departure from the whole "greedy girl who wants yet another dress" theme but I am, as of a month ago) a dog owner and therefore interested in anything dog related.

Orvis typically has good quality and pretty good taste in dog items. My sister's dog has clever toys like a squeaking duck stuffed animal made of dog-safe indestructible material that has somehow lasted for over a year.

But Orvis, this is making me question your judgment. Unless you're (a) under 7 years of age and struggle with fine motor skills or (b) can qualify for
AARP membership, you probably shouldn't be wearing Crocs.

Neither should your DOG.
But I must be wrong because the pink version seen above is sold out.

(Photo credit: Orvis)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Rock Lobster!

So, the first time I wrote about this dress it was about how I love it but couldn't tell what the print was all about. I assumed something lobster because the print is called shaggy lobster. Logical, right?

But I couldn't zoom to get a good look at the print, so I wrote something semi-snarky, because this is a blog after all, and blogs were created to be a snark outlet. Or, in my case, a place to say 'OMG I want that' somewhere that isn't in a gchat with my sister.

This started out as a blog about the song Rock Lobster, because my boyfriend loves to sing in Fred Schneider (B52's frontman's) voice to songs I really like. I think it is really irritating. He always sings Rock Lobster, and I even heard that song on the radio this morning! But lobster tails on a dress? Now we're talking.

This is one of those situations where I really wish I could see this in person instead of the internet.
And by in person instead of the internet, I mean in my closet; or in the mirror staring at my reflection because I am wearing it.

(dress by Lina Rennell, photo courtesy Beklina)