Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I've been such a bad blog-friend....

I have been neglecting the blogspot.

Someday I'll get back to it but for now, check it out: weekendwarriorette.tumblr.com

Monday, March 7, 2011

sophie theallet for nine west!

I am feeling a little bad for the "hot or not" post on those Aldo boots - sorry Aldo!

The diffusion line in today's post, Sophie Theallet for Nine West, is without a doubt gorgeous - I love almost everything Sophie Theallet does so it's only natural that I love these shoes! 

Not to mention my love affair with layered stripes and the complexity of the fabric.  I've never special ordered shoes before, but I may have to make an exception with these!

Any readers out there, do you have advice on styling printed flats?  I have a few pairs and I'm usually tempted to wear black or all solid colors to temper the brightness of the shoes.

(photo credit: Elle.com)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

awesome or ugly? i can't decide.....

I can't tell if I love these Aldo boots or if I think they are ugly.   So I'm turning to you, internets: what do you think?

(photo credit: Aldo.com)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

this club has everything!

Bill Hader's Stefon is my favorite SNL character since Wayne and Garth.  I lost it when Bill Hader did the Stefon mannerisms to describe the barista in Chelsea - and now I am totally wondering if that barista knows that Stefon is based on him. 

"So, what are we having today?"


....and a stuck up kitten who won't sign autographs!

(credit to the Vulture at New York Mag online for this awesome story!  Video clip from YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VKImAsimszU)

Monday, February 14, 2011

happy valentine's day!

My best friend, my sister and I are all newly engaged, so I think this might be the best Valentines Day there ever was - all happiness. 

Sure beats the time in college when I ate half a bag of Reese's peanut butter hearts and watched rom coms on my couch with my cat!  Although you know what?  That was fun in its own way, too. 

In my defense, the aforementioned best friend and all my other girlfriends studied abroad during the same semester while I did a summer abroad program, so it was a semester of solitude.  Which, if you have ever been in Michigan in the wintertime, can get pretty desolate, so rom coms with your cat is the rule and not the exception. 

Am I sounding any less like Kathy the comic strip?!  I sure hope so!

(photo from Amelia Kay Photography - prints available on Etsy!)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

another one that got away

Another one to add to the list of amazing dresses that got away!  This one was perfect!  I spotted her on etsy last night and even sent the link to my sister.

I should have bought it immediately! 

I'm sure the smart ladybird who bought this will wear it nicely.... and now it has a permanent spot on my mental list when I go to vintage shops.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

if I had a million dollars....

If I had a million dollars, I'd do (yes - do - plan vacations, trip around the world, build a school for girls a la oprah) a whole lot of things.  I would also buy these perfect chloe boots!!!

I saw them in High Gloss Magazine (on page 55) - have you read High Gloss?  It is pretty good stuff - today was their big launch!  And already I have found the most amazing, way-out-of-my-budget boots!  I'd say that is a good start for a magazine.

(credits to high gloss magazine for awesome content and also to netaporter, where you can buy these gorgeous boots.... and I will be so jealous!)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

these go on my lifelong wishlist - hermes bangles

the chickadee who won this hermes bracelet from the cup of jo giveaway is a lucky lady.  color me hermes orange with envy.  and this one has a HORSE on it! 

erstwhile jewelry company, who sponsored the cup of jo giveaway had another hermes bangle that is also is so so so so so pretty - but no horse.

i love it because reminds me of this mandalia rug from anthropologie i've had my eyes on but will probs never own!

(via cup of jo; photo credits: photos 1& 2, 4&5, erstwhile jewelry co, photo 3  cup of jo, &  photo 6 anthropologie

Thursday, January 20, 2011

today i am 26!

26 SIX things I will do the year I am 26:

1) cry as I watch my twin sister to marry the man of her dreams
2) learn to do a headstand in yoga
3) travel out west to see how big the sky is
4) eat cherries in northern michigan in the summertime
5) spend more time snuggling with my puppydog
6) find a wedding dress

I tried to come up with a 26 things I wanted for my birthday but it made me feel greedy; then, I tried to come up with a bunch of things I hope to accomplish this year, but you know what?  I am stumped, so maybe I will do them in increments of six!

Oh, and for the six material things I want?  They are probably all from emersonmade.  Emerson, if you see this?  I could REALLY use your help to knock out #6. 

(credits: all photos from emersonmade's facebook page!)

Monday, January 17, 2011

mah birthday

....is this week!  birthday wishlist?  possibly the first of MANY?  why, i thought you'd never ask!

1.  harry allen golden piglet
2.  kate spade cheers necklace
3.  wildfox sweatshirt

(photo credits: design public, mer in cashmere, revolve clothing)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

off the market

Over the holidays my boyfriend and I got engaged - I keep thinking about this quote on love. 

It's something to keep at the forefront of your mind and constantly work towards, no?  All you married or long-term-committed-coupled readers - what say you?

"We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love.  It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person." - W. Somerset Maugham

Monday, January 10, 2011

those boots are incredible

You know Andrea Linnet's blog, I want to be her?  (I've already professed my love for it!) - I'm having a case of that - and would like to nominate this girl for a feature, in case you are reading, Andrea Linnett.

I was doing my daily Snippet & Ink rounds today when I noticed the link to this couple's engagement photos - taken by Punam Bean, whose photos are gorgeous.  This couple is so cool.  I want to be friends with them - good enough friends where I could go to Marfa and steal borrow Jessica's boots, and that cool caftan she is wearing. 

I'm also loving the Madewell dress!  Little hearts = perfect for engagement photos.  And, she's a girl after my heart, because the cowgirl in me wants to move to desert. 

BUT OMG THOSE BOOTS.  I am having a very greedy boot-envy moment.

via snippet + ink; photos via photographer punam bean's website

Monday, January 3, 2011

BLOG LOVE - Happy 2011 by Mrs. E of Apartment34

Apartment 34 is one of those blogs that makes me happy every time I read it.  It's beautiful and happy and optimistic and is like reading my favorite magazine everyday.

Mrs. E's Happy 2011 post is so inspiring and gorgeous that I'm printing it out just to keep around to make me smile! 

Resolution/goal for this year: figure out what software bloggers are using so I can put together something as gorgeous as this!  (anyone who happens to see this - do you know what kind of software I need for this or is it polyvore?)

Oh, and happy new year, friends!