Friday, January 1, 2010

Rock Lobster!

So, the first time I wrote about this dress it was about how I love it but couldn't tell what the print was all about. I assumed something lobster because the print is called shaggy lobster. Logical, right?

But I couldn't zoom to get a good look at the print, so I wrote something semi-snarky, because this is a blog after all, and blogs were created to be a snark outlet. Or, in my case, a place to say 'OMG I want that' somewhere that isn't in a gchat with my sister.

This started out as a blog about the song Rock Lobster, because my boyfriend loves to sing in Fred Schneider (B52's frontman's) voice to songs I really like. I think it is really irritating. He always sings Rock Lobster, and I even heard that song on the radio this morning! But lobster tails on a dress? Now we're talking.

This is one of those situations where I really wish I could see this in person instead of the internet.
And by in person instead of the internet, I mean in my closet; or in the mirror staring at my reflection because I am wearing it.

(dress by Lina Rennell, photo courtesy Beklina)

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    Love your blog! and thanks for the compliments!
    The print is a segment of the lobster tail :) -kinda of an abstraction derived from lobster love.

    All the best,
