Sunday, October 31, 2010

twinkle, twinkle

Emersonmade is killing me-- I want the whole line.  It's practical, classic, easy to wear, and made in the USA.  

Emerson herself seems like the kind of girl you just want to be friends with.

I am lusting after the tiny stars tunic.  Sadly, it is sold out in my size, and when I inquired about its availability, I hear it will now come in silk instead of the fall-weight cotton it originally came in.  I love silk-- it's elegant and has its place, but in my life, cotton is just easier to care for and easier to wear, so I am disappointed it won't come back in cotton.

In the meantime, I am loving those adorable poppies and the clutches for the fall and winter holidays!

(photos from Emersonmade)

1 comment:

  1. I love their stuff too! The fall lookbook killed me.

    I hate it when you psych yourself up for something and then it's not available!!
