Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Can Andy Spade save Lucky Magazine? I vote yes.

One of the brands I am continually impressed with is kate spade.  They're phoenixlike-- even after all the fake bags in the past 15 years, their brand is still alive.  Lately I'd even say it's booming, thanks to Deborah Lloyd

The company expanded slowly and took care to make sure their aesthetic was really communicated all the new items they rolled out, so the clothes really do look like the same company as the bags, the shoes, the jewlery, down to the wallpaper in the shops.  It's well done across the board-- from (in my opinion) the design end of it to the business end-- they are great.

On Saturday I was reading my Lucky Magazine thinking about how downhill they've gone.  I used to read it cover-to-cover the day it arrived in my mailbox but I got bored, and this November issue seemed like it had equal parts ads & actual magazine content, and it was just not compelling.  Like, if it didn't come to my house, probably I wouldn't buy it in the checkout line.  And I am a pretty big impulse magazine purchaser.  Then yesterday I read that Andy Spade is coming in to help revive and rebrand Lucky Magazine, and you know what?  If anyone can do this, it's Andy Spade.  They picked the exact right person!  I'm so excited to see what happens.

I hope they start with revamping the website, and then bringing back Cat Marnell from the Beauty Dept because she was (is? where is she now?!) hilarious and had awesome reviews, and then start putting together editorials where I will actually consider wearing something, because I cannot remember the last time I looked at a Lucky editorial and said i want that.  It has been since probably 2008 and in magazine-time that is a hundred years.

(photo credit: kate spade)

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