Wednesday, November 17, 2010

E Jean's 25 things women should know

Elle Magazine just celebrated it's 25th anniversary (happy birthday, Elle!) and their advice columnist, E. Jean, posted the 25 things every woman should know.  I am a sucker for those kinds of lists, and I love E. Jean's snarkiness, so naturally I am in love with this list, and plan to take it to heart.

Below are some of my favorites....  read the full list on!

#3: If you don't question what you believe in, you end up making the same mistakes over and over.  When we find ourselves in a romantic quagmire or struggling for an eternally denied promotion at work and our old ideas aren't working, we must, must, must ask ourselves two questions:

a) Is this idea I'm acting on even effing true?  (e.g., am I so irresistible this time that he really is going to leave his wife?)

b) What would happen if everyone in the world believed this idea and behaved as I'm behaving now? (this is our old friend Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative--view every action you take as universal law.  Meaning, if you're considering lying to your boss to save your job, imagine a universal law that says everyone must lie to his or her boss.)

#11: go play with your dog.  Your dog is the one creature on earth you can make insanely happy by playing 'hide the cookie' in the living room.  If you have neither cat nor dog nor bird nor fish, it's not essential, but if you want to lead a more enjoyable life....why not?

#15: When you're in college, don't worry too much about grades.  Other than getting into a decent grad school and associating with the cream of your generation, getting straight A's means diddly squat in the real world, where it's all about hustle, determination, focus, dressing right, sucking up, and who you know.

Some of these are harsh but true-- and you know what?  I appreciate E. Jean's honesty.  

Now if you'll excuse me I have to go hustle and show determination and focus at work before going home to play with my dog.  And I can check "dressing right" and "sucking up" to my "accomplished tasks" list for today, obvs.

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